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PAR-1.020 - Perl Archive Toolkit - metacpan.orgTo install PAR, copy and paste the appropriate command in to your terminal.
Brachytherapy - WikipediaBrachytherapy is commonly used to treat cancers of the cervix, prostate, breast, and skin. 1
Longmont, Colorado - WikipediaIn May 2013, the Longmont City Council voted to finance and build out its own municipal gigabit data fiber-optic network, known as NextLight, to every house and business over a three-year period starting in late 2013.
Longmont, Colorado - WikipediaIn May 2013, the Longmont City Council voted to finance and build out its own municipal gigabit data fiber-optic network, known as NextLight, to every house and business over a three-year period starting in late 2013.
The arts - WikipediaArticles
Boynton Beach, Florida - WikipediaOn January 27, 2012, Mayor Jose Rodriguez was suspended from office by the state governor for trying to influence a police investigation into his personal affairs. 24
Alain Robert - WikipediaBecause authorities do not normally give him permission for such dangerous exploits, Robert evades security to access structures surreptitiously. As a consequence, he has been arrested many times, in various countries, b
L - WikipediaLamedh may have come from a pictogram of an ox goad or cattle prod. Some have suggested that it represents a shepherd's staff. 2
Cross-site request forgery - WikipediaThe term CSRF is also used as an abbreviation in defences against CSRF attacks, such as techniques that use header data, form data, or cookies, to test for and prevent such attacks.
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